No matter where you go in the world, you can find eggs to be a food staple for the population. This is an economical source of protein that is sustainable. The biggest challenge for egg producers is that eggs need to arrive at their customers locations in perfect shape and fresh. In order to protect the eggs during transport, the eggs must be put into egg trays with cups that fit the egg size. So, with thousands of eggs being transported everyday, egg producers need many egg trays. Making egg trays can actually be a good business. All you need is an egg tray making machine to start your business.

Beston Egg Tray Making Machine
Beston Egg Tray Making Machine

The material used to make egg trays is also very simple and nearly free. You just need recycled paper and water. Recycled paper is everywhere like paper boxes and containers, office paper, cardboard, paper bags, paper plates, and much more.

The recycled paper and water are mixed together in a section of the egg tray machine until the mixture turns into pulp of the right consistency. This pulp is poured into egg tray molds. Then, the egg trays go through a drying process. After that step is complete, the egg trays can be shipped to egg producers where they can start packing their eggs for transport. More information on egg carton making machine here.

Making egg trays is a sustainable business and it is also environmentally friendly. Using recycled paper to create something brand new that is useful is the ultimate in an environmentally friendly business. The egg trays that are made can be recycled once again after they are used to become raw material for new egg trays.

The egg tray making machines come in different capacities. If you have a small business and you have a small customer base, getting the smaller machine will probably be sufficient. One machine does not take up a lot of space. As your business becomes more successful and you gain more customers, you can upgrade your egg tray machine to a bigger model with higher capacity, or you can get a second machine to pick up the higher demand. Get egg tray machine price here.

paper egg tray
paper egg tray

Different egg tray molds are also available in different sizes to accommodate eggs that are of a different size. Duck eggs are also popular. However, duck eggs will not fit perfectly into egg trays meant for chicken eggs. Therefore, if you need to make egg trays for duck eggs, make sure that you use the correct mold made for duck eggs.

We are so used to seeing eggs in egg trays that we often do not even think about them. However, the trays are essential in protecting eggs during transport. With the proper egg tray carton, every egg will be protected in its respective cup. If you have been thinking about starting a business, contact a reputable manufacturer of egg tray making machines. They can advise you on the best egg tray machines to get for your business, and they can answer any questions you have about the operation of the machine. See more related information from Beston Company here.